Monday, December 19, 2016

Doxie Christmas Shopping Downtown Charlottesville

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

Yesss... it's that time of the year where we get to give gifts to our friends!

Don't you just love the holiday season?

We're huge fans of shopping locally.
Charlottesville has some of the best shopping for pooches and kittens.
And we're so grateful for the special treatment everyone gives us!

This weekend, Pandora headed to the Charlottesville Downtown Mall
for some window-shopping for Mom.
Our aunt Kay joined us.

Photos by Kay Taylor
of Sheridan Avenue Studios.

Alright, so let's go already!!!

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

The Downtown Mall is a great place, even if it rained today.
It's full of interesting people, and tons of interesting dogs and smells!

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

There are very few chains on the mall, most everyone there is a small business owner like we used to be.
We love that because it reminds us of our shop.
We miss that place.

CVille still has four fabulous book stores on the mall, which is amazing to us. We love to read, especially about art.

Mom said that when she moved here, the trees on the mall had just been planted and were tiny. Now they are huge...
We love them in the summer because they give so much shade.

There are tons of festivals downtown CVille, great galleries and tons of great things to do.
Including EATING, of course!
 Our fave place among others is Citizen Burger
and they let us sit and dine with our  humans outside on their patio in the warm season, Euro style. Play Doh likes their fries.

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

Okay, so Pandora cheated a little and got Mom to carry her around for a bit. It's like a taxi.
Low riders aren't crazy about the wet ground, ya know...

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

 Then they found this amazing Christmas window at Caspari Paper.
How gorgeous, it was filled with oodles of wonderful things that once were made in the German "Erzgebirge". Mom has some of the original pieces and she was VERY excited.

(They also have some awesome gifts for pet owners!)

I think she just saw something she likes...

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

They spent the day walking and walking and it was tons of fun.
If and when we move, we will really miss this place.

Next stop:

It's amazing that a small place like Charlottesville has such an awesome venue.

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

Final destination:

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

Now you KNOW Pandora's all about expressing her opinion.

Copyright Titus The Teckel 2016

Sassy Pants!!

Okay, next time we'll introduce you to some of our fave local places to shop for pet-stuff.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone, we've missed ya and we hope everyone is well!

WOOF! and lotsa LOVE!

Titus & Pandora


Thanks to Kay Taylor/Sheridan Avenue Studios!
All photos copyright Kay Taylor and Titus the Teckel 2016.